Teresa Matas

Present memories

Bar Bosch.
Es Forn de Pla de na Tesa. Fotografía: Tarek Serraj.

When Teresa Matas (Tortosa, 1947) started to paint, she did so without restricting herself to a canvas. For weeks she looked for the clothes she wanted to sew on, bringing to them her vision of nature and the self-made woman.

They say her style is conceptual, and even impressionist. When her children asked her, “Mum, what are you doing?”, she would reply to them that she had no idea. “I’ve always done what came out from inside of me, because I feel freedom when I create”. Today, she still has the same creativity, the same desire to express herself and the same need to bring out everything that is inside of her as when she was a child.

Many of her favourite haunts in Palma have disappeared now, “which is why I don’t go out so much nowadays”. She likes to have breakfast at home. To celebrate special occasions, she goes out to eat at Cala Canta, a restaurant in Ciudad Jardín with beautiful views of the sea. If she were to go out for an afternoon drink, she would order leche merengada at Bar Bosch “because it’s most like the kind I had as a child. My parents and I would go to a lechería near the church of Sant Felipe Neri where they used to whip the cream, a recollection that still lingers in my memory, although the flavour itself doesn’t, the flavour is no longer the same now”.

At least once a week she goes to Es Forn in Pla de na Tesa to buy xeixa bread and something sweet. Not just for the flavour, but also because it reminds her of the happiness that place gave her. “Before going to paint in my studio, which was in Es Pla de Na Tesa, I had to pass by there. Going there now still brings me peace”.

As a way of disconnecting from her world and connecting with nature, she loves the village of Orient “because it’s small, it’s close to the mountains and it doesn’t have many inhabitants”. In the past, some weekends she would go with her children to the Hotel Punta Rotja, in Son Servera, because “the service is good, it’s a long way from everything and you can go on walks without seeing many people”. Just like her favourite beach, Alcanada.

Film is one of her passions. “When I was eight or nine years old, my brother and I would go to the picture houses that used to be in [...]


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Bar Bosch.
Es Forn de Pla de na Tesa. Fotografía: Tarek Serraj.
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