Martí Mascaró
“I don’t need to go to Japan to be happy”
Thirty years ago Martí Mascaró (Ariany, 1971) worked for a boss who kept bees. Hearing that man talk about his bees made him increasingly curious. Until one day he went with him to see the bees. And he immediately felt that he too wanted to keep bees. “I felt an instant love for them. Straight away, I realised that bees had to form part of my life”.
text C.M.M.
photography Íñigo Vega, Tarek Serraj
For years, Martí combined his work in the tourism sector with his new passion for bees. “Every time I came into contact with them, it was like attending a yoga class: I concentrated on the here and now, and that made me feel good”.
He never seriously considered becoming a professional beekeeper. “Until one day I realised that that was what I really wanted to do, and since I had no children or other commitments, I said to myself that if it didn’t turn out well, I could always go back to what I was doing before”.
But it did turn out well. And now Martí feels he leads a full life. That he too is part of the machinery of nature. “Bees bring me peace and love”.
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