Maggie Adrover
The beauty of small things
When Maggie Adrover (Felanitx, 1982) designed her first advertisement, she was 10 years old. “My father had a rubbish truck and I came up with a brilliant ad which said: If my dad isn’t with me, it’s because he’s working for you, and I accompanied it with a smiling rubbish bin”. Her greatest expression of happiness is to go to a vineyard, lay out some stones on the ground and torrar (barbecue).
“Nature cannot be outdone”, she says.
text César Mateu Moyà
photography Tania Baides Atelier, Javier Català and Mateu Bennàssar / Portrait: Íñigo Vega
Maggie had wanted to return to Mallorca for some time. But after working in design studios like Run or Mucho, in Barcelona, she felt it would be ‘professional suicide’. Until one day she got a call from Atlas, one of the most prestigious studios on the island. And then she packed her bags and came back. “It was precisely Astrid Stavro, a partner in Atlas, who encouraged me to embark on my own enterprise”. After overcoming initial fears and instances of self-sabotage, in 2016 Maggie created her own design studio, Màrmola Mans. She now creates the designs for singular brands such as Patatilla and Chateau Paquita wines, or La Lata soft drinks. She has also redesigned the periodical Setmanari Felanitx, and created the corporate image for CAV, as well as the wrappers for the legendary ice cream parlour Ca’n Miquel, in Palma.
“I am fortunate enough to work with small producers who create products with a great deal of love. Giving shape to their projects, which are made with the heart and soul, is very special indeed. It implies an almost [...]
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